I am Canadian

Jr. Fire Fighter Chris d'Entremont

Chris no dad could be more proud of his son then I am of you. You have already accomplished more and proven yourself at such a young age...remember you're only 16...then some do in their entire life. You have seen the dreamers and the doers...and you have elected to be a "doer". Trained and at home in year round wilderness survival... certified with Nova Scotia Dept of Natural Resources in Wildland Fire Suppression ( wilderness wildfires )... recipient of your canoeing badge "in the field"...an accomplished shake and bake kayaker...former Scout Patrol Leader...member of your school's robotic competition team. You have already proven yourself as a Jr. Fire Fighter helping instruct new recruits...you spend countless hours of your free time on emergency courses to be there for your community and others in times of need... and with school you still manage to find the time to play drums in a band. And what makes this so great is your pride in being an Acadian...in being a "Canadian"...

Chris buddy...you rock...

I'm proud of ya...Dad

Here's your song buddy...this is for you..."I am Canadian"

I am Canadian